LAST UPDATED The Privacy Policy was last updated on 2023/07/19.

Welcome! This Privacy Policy explains how KidReads collects and uses your personal information while you play KidReads's stories.

KidReads is committed to making sure that kids’ privacy is safeguarded and we aim to comply with all (privacy) regulations worldwide, like the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the US. If you want to know what data is collected by our apps and how this is handled, please review this policy. If you have any questions or concerns, send us an email via [email protected], we are here to help.

Information collected

KidReads records your device's IP address solely for the purpose of determining the country in which the device is located. Rest assured, we do not retain the IP address on our systems, but we do keep track of the country where our app is being used. Please note that this information cannot be linked to any specific device, and we never share it with third parties.

In order to enhance the performance and reliability of our Apps and gain valuable insights into user preferences, KidReads may collect some analytical information for each device on which a App is installed. It is important to emphasize that we do not associate this data with individuals or any other personally identifiable information that we might gather. Furthermore, we do not disclose, sell, or grant access to this information to any external individuals or companies beyond KidReads, except in the event of a legal obligation, such as complying with a court order, or if there is a change in ownership due to a merger, acquisition, or restructuring involving KidReads.

How your information is used

We gather information from our Games and Websites to gain valuable insights into how they are used and the preferences of our visitors. Rest assured that we do not utilize this information for any other purpose or share it with any external parties beyond those disclosed above, except when obligated to do so by law (e.g., court order) or in the event of a change in ownership resulting from a merger, acquisition, or restructuring involving KidReads.

Lawful bases for processing personal data

If you are an individual in the European Union (EU) or an EU citizen, rest assured that we adhere to applicable EU laws when collecting and processing your data. This means we only gather and process your data under the following circumstances:

We do not collect any other information

When downloading and using our Apps or browsing our Websites, we respect your privacy by not demanding any personal information from you. The only data we collect pertains to general information, as outlined above, such as unique device identifiers and cookies, which allow us to anonymously identify your computer or device and provide an enhanced user experience. Rest assured, this information is not shared with any third parties.

Additionally, we are committed to safeguarding the privacy of children under 16. We do not knowingly contact or collect any personal information from them. If, by any chance, we have inadvertently collected such information, kindly reach out to us, and we will promptly remove the gathered data.

Individual Rights

KidReads values your privacy and offers various choices regarding your personal data. Please take a moment to review the following information outlining your options and how to exercise them. Rest assured, we will respond to all requests within a reasonable timeframe. If any response takes longer than a month due to complexity or scope, we will notify you and provide regular updates.